Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gosu C-Walk 1500

Not that I'm promoting gang activity or anything but I do like this guy's dance style.

Gosu is this Asian guy living in the UK who runs around town and dance randomly on the streets. He is part of the London 5 Way dance crew but the music from their video was too explicit. I don't think Gosu is part of the crypt gang but I could be wrong.

C-Walk started during the 70's from Compton in LA. Their dance influenced the nation and traveled to to the East Coast. From there, the dance traveled to Europe and has spread over the globe. Now that the dance is global, it has branched off slightly from the gang activities and merged with the hip hop cultures. This just means that some hip hop dancers also do c-walks. However, hip hop dancers still rarely incorporate c-walks into their moves. What I'm wondering is why this isn't done? I mean if c-walks added some upper body movements it could look even better.

Zach Wang

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